STONEPARK provides a high quality consultancy service in many of the essential aspects of Wire and Rope development and manufacture.


Wire Manufacture

Andrew Stacey, Allan Jones and Derek Payne are Internationally renowned experts in the field of metallurgy and wire manufacture. They are available to advise on all aspects of wire technology and manufacture.

This includes developments in:

  • Rod rolling practices and rod quality.

  • Rod and wire patenting.

  • Galvanising and zinc/aluminium alloy coating processes.

  • Wire drawing practices.

  • Wire process routes and specifications.

  • Quality improvement of steel and rod supply.
  • Wire for high tensile springs, ropes and structural applications.
  • High quality, high tensile wire for Crane ropes.
  • Factory layout and operation.

Rope Manufacture

Stan Parkinson and Andrew Stacey are rope manufacturing experts who are supported by additional consultants with practical rope making skills. The team can advise on rope manufacturing practices, a wide range of rope products and applications.

This includes:

  • Rope constructions and precise manufacturing techniques.

  • New product development.

  • Developments in process technology.

  • Solutions to manufacturing problems.

  • Lubrication selection and use.

  • Ropes for offshore application.

  • Plastic impregnated ropes.

  • Support in marketing, sales, patents and rope applications.

Wire and Rope Machinery

The team can provide expert advice relating to wire and rope making machinery including: - 

  • Machinery refurbishment.

  • Equipment specification, sourcing and performance verification.

  • Plant and machinery design.

  • Sourcing of ancillary equipment and spares.

  • Optimum plant layout.

Rope Design

The rope design system is believed to be the only Windows based product currently available on the market. The system has been specifically developed for Stonepark by Mick Corner (associate consultant).


A rope design is a complete bill of materials including the dimensions of all the components and the ropes characteristics, breaking force and weight. The system is capable of designing any of the following products in both compacted and non-compacted form:

  • Multistrand Ropes.

  • Parallel Lay Ropes.

  • Single Layer Ropes with either Fibre or Steel Cores.

  • Single Strands.

Service available:

  1. Dedicated rope design service, with a guaranteed 24hour turn round.

  2. The complete system can be purchased including an operator training package.